Code of conduct

During the FEI World and European Vaulting Championships in Flyinge the welfare of the horse and the well-being of all active participants will have the highest priority.

The Organizing Committee of the FEI World and European Championships Vaulting 2023 is committed to promote a safe environment for Athletes, Support Personnel, Coaches, Trainers, Grooms, Officials, Volunteers and Staff in the championships in Sweden in July.

According to the FEI Policy about safeguarding, harassment and abuse can be expressed in five forms which may occur in combination or in isolation. These include i) psychological abuse, ii) physical abuse, iii) sexual harassment, iv) sexual abuse, and v) neglect.

During the competition in Sweden, we will have a procedure available for anyone to report incidents – either formally or anonymously – concerning harassment and abuse involving all humans and horses holding an official position at the event. This function applies to the treatment of horses, as well as to the attitude towards and between athletes and every person holding an official mission at the event.

For more information please read the complete policy here.

Reporting procedure

In our common interest to make the FEI Vaulting World & European Championships Flyinge 2023 a fair and memorable event for everyone, we have foreseen a procedure for reporting suspected violations or misconduct.

Any alleged violation of the Code of Conduct fair play rules can and should be reported, either by contacting the Show Office at the venue, or by using the Incident Report Form. Incidents can also be reported anonymously.